Symptoms of successful artificial insemination

After an assisted reproduction treatment, all women are very attentive to any signs or changes that may occur in their bodies that indicate that the artificial insemination has been successful, so it is common for many women to find different signs to look out for.

The period between the actual insemination (or embryo transfer) and the desired date of the pregnancy test is called beta-waiting. It lasts approximately two weeks and, although it seems like a long time, it is just enough time to find out whether the embryo or embryos have managed to implant in the uterine wall or endometrium.

This test is named after the hormone beta-hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) and is colloquially known as “beta”. The production of this hormone begins at the moment of implantation of the embryo in the mother’s uterus and from then onwards its production will be increasing, so that the increasing levels of this hormone are the perfect indicator of whether implantation has been successful after an assisted reproduction treatment.

We can detect the presence of this hormone easily and effectively with the classic urine test. However, it is advisable to carry out a blood test to determine its exact value. It is important to stress the importance of carrying out the pregnancy test on the day indicated by the specialist, otherwise you could obtain a result that does not represent reality, such as a false negative (when the hormone levels are still too low to be detected) or a false positive caused by medication.

What should we feel 10 days after artificial insemination?


It is important to remember that every woman is different, and may even experience different symptoms or react in different ways to each of her pregnancies. This is why the absence of any signs or discomfort is not synonymous with a negative result, just as the presence of any symptoms does not mean that implantation has been achieved. Only the result of the pregnancy test will reveal the final result of the successful artificial insemination.

The most common symptoms after artificial insemination are tiredness and heaviness, pain in the abdomen and lower back, brown spotting or slight bleeding, swollen abdomen and breasts, increased fluid retention, as well as pins and needles in the ovaries and uterus.

However, all these symptoms are not a true indication that implantation has occurred, as they are also related to the side effects of the medication administered during treatment. In fact, sometimes, as the time for the beta test approaches, the symptoms diminish. This is because the side effects of the treatment start to wear off, so don’t panic! All these changes in your body are normal.

If you have any doubts or concerns, don’t hesitate to consult our specialists.

What you can do to cope with beta-pregnancy


Once the last step of the assisted reproduction treatment has been completed, the only thing left to do is to wait, as there is nothing that can help to improve the probability of success. It is common for patients to experience an episode of anxiety, nervousness and restlessness about the outcome.

During this time it is normal to go through emotional ups and downs. To reduce the emotional stress and to make the wait as bearable as possible, it is advisable to continue with your daily routine, keep busy and do different activities, although always avoiding great physical effort or risky situations. If you are particularly worried about this, you should know that there are studies that show that it is possible to continue to lead a normal life without any kind of problem. We must remember that the psychological factor always comes into play (often to make everything a little more difficult). It is advisable to keep the mind occupied and thus not to constantly think about the result of the pregnancy test.

Excessive rest or time off work is usually not necessary. However, some jobs may require these preventive measures, in which case they will be indicated by the specialist. Resting may even be counterproductive as it makes avoidance difficult and encourages obsessive and repetitive thoughts related to the outcome of treatment and possible symptoms.

Preparing mentally and internalising the idea that the outcome may also be negative and making plans in case pregnancy is not achieved in that attempt, always with a positive attitude, is a good exercise to cope better with the outcome in case it is not satisfactory.

Feeling supported during this time is essential. Surround yourself with your partner, family, friends, someone special or a psychologist. When the situation causes a lot of stress and anxiety, seeking psychological support from a professional is the best option for good emotional management. But above all you should avoid blaming yourself, what happens will not depend on what you do, have done or have not done. The most important thing is to continue with the medication and instructions prescribed by your doctor.

As for your diet, even before starting an Assisted Reproduction treatment, it is recommended that you follow a healthy, varied and balanced diet, as well as staying well hydrated at all times. At the same time, it is not advisable to eat ham and other uncooked foods, as well as alcoholic and fizzy drinks, as these can have serious adverse effects on the foetus if pregnancy is achieved.

To sum up, we can conclude that during beta-pregnancy symptoms are not a reliable indicator to predict the outcome of successful artificial insemination treatment, so our advice is to wait the indicated time to perform the pregnancy test (preferably the analysis of “beta” levels in blood) and try to cope with the emotional burden in the best possible way by seeking support from your environment or a professional. Best of luck!

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