Sperm donors

I want to be a sperm donor

The sperm donor and his donation

This is something fundamental for assisted reproduction clinics such as IREMA, so, as you can imagine, it is approached with the utmost rigour.

After all, the sperm bank offers solutions to different problems related to difficulties in having healthy offspring from coitus.

The sperm donor and his donation

Not everyone is eligible to become a sperm donor. So please pay attention to the requirements for participation in our sperm bank programme:

You must be of legal age (not older than 39 years).
Be mentally and physically healthy.
No family history of serious or chronic hereditary diseases or congenital anomalies.
That the blood tests and semen tests do not detect diseases that invalidate the donor status.

The stages of sperm donation

On the other hand, the sperm donation process involves a series of stages, which are as follows:

1. Opening and registration of the donor’s clinical history.

2. Andrological physical examination aimed at detecting genitourinary pathologies.

3. Study of the quality of the semen and its culture aimed at ruling out infections.

4. Performance of a blood test.

5. Collection of the semen sample at the clinic’s facilities (it is necessary to have been sexually abstinent for three to five days prior to collection).

6. Storage of the sample in the sperm bank.

7. Repeat donation with a certain frequency and for a variable period of time (for example, once a week for three or four months).

Finally, you must bear in mind that the donation must be completely anonymous for both parents and children.

Who are the beneficiaries of a sperm donation?

Firstly, we can consider that the donor himself is the first to benefit from participating in this process.

Not in vain, his voluntary, altruistic and supportive action is already a good in itself. Basically, the sperm donor will help other people to achieve their dream of becoming mothers and fathers.

We should also point out that, by virtue of the recommendations established by the National Commission on Assisted Human Reproduction, the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality establishes a financial compensation to reward the donor and alleviate the inconvenience that their collaboration may cause them.

Finally, the fact of being accepted as a donor will provide you with relevant information regarding the quality of your sperm.

On the other hand, sperm donation will be able to help in all these cases:

– Heterosexual couples in which the male partner is incapable of generating spermatozoa or produces few or low quality spermatozoa.

– Single mothers.

– Continued errors in assisted reproduction methods in which the partner’s sperm is used (especially if there is an evaluation indicating that the sperm is the infertility factor).

– Possibility of transmission of genetic alterations (which cannot be prevented by the use of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis) by the father.

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