IMSI Technique

Also known as Super ICSI

The IMSI or Super ICSI Technique

With this microscope, not only external morphological parameters are selected, as has been done up to now with the ICSI technique, but also intracellular organelles, such as vacuoles, which negatively influence chromatin, causing its destabilization, can be visualized.

Through the use of IMSI it is possible to achieve:

Significantly improve implantation rates, and is indicated in the following cases:

  • In males whose sperm morphological quality is very low.
  • In males whose sperm has been obtained from testicular tissue.
  • In males with pathological alterations in sperm cells: fragmented DNA and pathological FISH.
  • In couples with previous ICSI treatments with repeated implantation failures.

When is an IMSI indicated?

In principle, this technique is intended for anyone who is going to undergo an in vitro fertilization cycle with sperm microinjection(ICSI) but with special attention to couples with oligo-terato-astenozoospermic semen samples, and to those patients with previous IVF failures.

IMSI can complement MACS in case of severe male infertility, since the latter selects the spermatozoa without the presence of markers in the membrane that indicate any alteration in the spermatozoa and IMSI makes a selection of those that are morphologically better for fertilization.

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